Category: Errors & Solutions
Here you find solution of errors occurred during installations upgrades or daily processing, monitoring database, operating system sources..
You start the installation without specifying a startup file via SAPINST_CONTROL_URL
Case You are installing a SAP System and cancelled it at any point You receive…
SQL1641N The db2start command failed on sap server
Case You are installing a sap server with DB2 database on Unix/Linux System. During executing…
SQL1092N DB2SID does not have the authority to perform the requested command
Case You perform in SAP some actions which should access to the dabatase but it…
SAPINST fails ORA-15204 database version is incompatible with diskgroup
Case During creating a new database on ASM, SAPINST fails with errors: ORA-00200 ORA-00202 ORA-17502…
SAP Precalculation Server Service cannot be started. System.NullReferenceException
Case You have installed SAP Precalculation Server. During starting Windows Service: "SAP BW Precalculation Service…
Ping Remote SLD with SLD Client User has failed
Case You are trying to register a Sap, probably PI System, in SLD by entering…
Error UJO_READ_EXCEPTION_000 in EPM add-in
Case When running reports in the EPM add-in, you get following errors: Bad request. Server…
Error message M8 782 internal error SMBEW
Case In transaction MR21 in order to change the price of a material in a…
Could not obtain version info from start service in sum
Case in SAP Java Application Server you are applying patches via SUM and getting following…
Sap Execution of the command ** enable_roles finished with status TST_ERROR
Case You are installing Sap System with DB2 and get following error during executing db2…
SAP trex writer already open failed to create jacket filer CabinetException in Stapler.cpp
Case In TREX, during daily operation for example indexing, you get the following error: ERROR:…
trex writer already open failed to create jacket filer CabinetException in Stapler.cpp
Case In TREX, during daily operation for example indexing, you you get the following error:…
saposcol error illegal instruction core dumped
Case On some OS platform for example AIX, saposcol does not start during starting sap…
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason 15 PROCESSING FAILURE
Case During installing SAP on Linux with DB2 database you get the following error: ERROR …
Remote access to the NetWeaver Administrator is forbidden
Case You have installed SAP Java Application Server. After all, attempting to access to NWA…